Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an accredited vocational education and training program that secondary students usually complete as one subject over 2 years. VET focuses on students developing industry-specific and workplace skills and courses are designed to meet industry needs.
VET programs offer a diverse range of study areas, including agriculture; fashion design and textiles; building and construction; business; community services; allied health; make-up; horticulture; hospitality; media; animal studies; visual arts; sport and recreation; digital media and technology; equine studies; furniture making; music industry; engineering and dance.
Structured Workplace Learning
Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is on-the-job training that allows VET students to develop their work skills and understand employer expectations.
SWL is often a compulsory aspect of undertaking a VET course. This might involve students undertaking work placement on school holidays or sometimes during term time.
VET subjects allow students to gain practical skills in a specific industry by completing a nationally recognised vocational qualification. A VET Certificate can contribute towards the completion of a student’s senior secondary certificate, such as Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the VCE Vocational Major (VCE-VM).
The VCE VM is a vocational and applied learning certificate within the VCE. It is an accredited Senior Secondary Certificate and provides an opportunity for greater application to real-world learning, specialism, and personalisation of learning for students in Years 11 and 12.
The VCE VM program pursues the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that help prepare students for employment, post-secondary education, or training and for participation in the broader community. The program is personalised for each student so that they are able to make informed vocational choices within the specific industry sector of their choice and/or to facilitate pathways to further learning.
A VCE VM program includes the study of five main areas and must include successful completion of at least 16 units, over 2 years, including:
- 3 VCE VM Literacy (including a Unit 3–4 sequence)
- 2 VCE VM Numeracy
- 2 VCE VM Work Related Skills units
- 2 VCE VM Personal Development Skills units, and
- 2 VET credits at Certificate II level or above (180 nominal hours)
Through its structure, the VCE VM certificate enables greater flexibility to match the interests of individual learners. VCE VM allows students to pursue rigorous study towards their future goals.
Most VCE VM students will undertake between 16-20 units over the two years.
The VCE VM curriculum is based on key knowledge and key skills (like VCE) but is assessed by demonstrating competencies (rather than exams). These competencies are assessed through projects and practical work.
The VPC is a flexible certificate at Year 11 and 12 designed to meet the needs of students who are not ready or yet able to complete the VCE or VCE VM, and will replace Foundation VCAL. Students undertaking the VPC will complete a minimum of 12 units, with four new studies:
- VPC Literacy
- VPC Numeracy
- VPC Work Related Skills
- VPC Personal Development Skills
Students can also receive structured workplace learning recognition. VPC students will receive the Victorian Pathways Certificate and a Statement of Results from the VCAA listing for all enrolled and completed units.