Proficiency Tests – Continual & Semestral Assessment Mathematics 1
CA & SA Mathematics 1 is designed to assess Primary 1 students in their understanding and application of mathematical concepts, skills and processes. The trial test papers, written in accordance to the latest Singapore Primary Mathematics syllabus, cover the two semesters in the school term. Altogether, there are 8 trial test papers: 2 sets of CA1, 2 sets of SA1, 2 sets of CA2 and 2 sets of SA2.
Each trial test paper is divided into three sections which test the students competency in mathematical concepts, procedural skills for numerical calculation, process skills to reason, connect, think and apply.
- Section A, which consists of 20 multiple-choice questions, tests on the students mathematical knowledge and comprehension ability.
- Section B, which consists of 20 short-answer questions, tests on the students mathematical knowledge, comprehension and application & analysis abilities.
- Section C, which consists of 5 word problems, tests on the students mathematical knowledge, comprehension, application & analysis abilities.
Students are encouraged to apply different thinking skills and heuristics in solving routine or non-routine word problems.
Time management is important in mathematical tests and examinations. Students should work towards completing each trial test paper within the given time.
Step-by-Step Worked Solutions are included at the end of the book.
CA & SA Mathematics 1 is designed to assess Primary 1 students in their understanding and application of mathematical concepts, skills and processes. The trial test papers, written in accordance to the latest Singapore Primary Mathematics syllabus, cover the two semesters in the school term. Altogether, there are 8 trial test papers: 2 sets of CA1, 2 sets of SA1, 2 sets of CA2 and 2 sets of SA2.
Each trial test paper is divided into three sections which test the students competency in mathematical concepts, procedural skills for numerical calculation, process skills to reason, connect, think and apply.
Additional information
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School Level | |
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Year Level |