ATAR, ATARNotes Course Notes, ENGLISH LITERATURE, Literature, Literature, Secondary, Secondary English, Study Guides, Subject, Teacher’s Resources, VCE Resources, Year 12
ATAR Notes VCE Literature units 3&4 notes
NEW Study Design!
This book contains advice for every single writing task in VCE Literature. From the challenges of Developing Interpretations to the complex task of Close Analysis, this book will greatly assist you in your Literature journey. You’ll also find overviews of critical theories, guidelines for essay structure, sample analyses, and vital tips for exam preparation from two high-achieving former students.
Nalini has years of tutoring experience in English, Literature, and Philosophy, having earned an ATAR of 99.65 with multiple raw 50s and a Premier’s Award. She is a freelance writer and runs her own blog, in addition to studying a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne with a double major in English and Philosophy. Lauren graduated with a Premier’s Award in English and has been tutoring, lecturing, and essay marking for over a decade. She has since graduated from The University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Literature and Linguistics.
ATAR, ATARNotes Course Notes, ENGLISH LITERATURE, Literature, Literature, Secondary, Secondary English, Study Guides, Subject, Teacher’s Resources, VCE Resources, Year 12
ATAR Notes VCE Literature units 3&4 notes
NEW Study Design!
This book contains advice for every single writing task in VCE Literature. From the challenges of Developing Interpretations to the complex task of Close Analysis, this book will greatly assist you in your Literature journey. You’ll also find overviews of critical theories, guidelines for essay structure, sample analyses, and vital tips for exam preparation from two high-achieving former students.
Nalini has years of tutoring experience in English, Literature, and Philosophy, having earned an ATAR of 99.65 with multiple raw 50s and a Premier’s Award. She is a freelance writer and runs her own blog, in addition to studying a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne with a double major in English and Philosophy. Lauren graduated with a Premier’s Award in English and has been tutoring, lecturing, and essay marking for over a decade. She has since graduated from The University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Literature and Linguistics.