English Fundation (Prep)
English Fundation (Prep)
Excellence in Written Expression for Secondary Students
- Using other words besides 'big' and 'small'
- Varying sentence beginnings
- Using words to describe feelings
- Choosing the more effective word 1
- Using commas
- A job application
- Developing an opening paragraph
- Using better words than 'go'
- Proofreading a sample essay
- Using a variety of colour words
- Correcting faulty sentences
- Using capital letters
- Choosing the more effective word 2
- Using colour words
- Using words to link sentences
- Choosing the more effective word 3
- Check your apostrophes
- Check your hyphens
- Using a single word
- Using other words besides 'said'
- Words easily confused
- Using the correct tense
- Choosing the more effective word 4
- Identifying euphemisms
- Using better adjectives
- Describing a person
- Paragraphing
- Using other words besides 'nice'
- Using better verbs
- Understanding terminology used in writing ...
- Using terminology
- Making sentences parallel
- Shades of meaning 1
- Using prepositions 1
- Making your writing concise 1
- Paragraphing 2
- Singulars and plurals
- Using the word 'also'
- Understanding register 1
- Avoiding the word 'thing'
- Positioning the word 'only'
- Varying sentence beginnings 2
- Writing concisely
- Developing an opening paragraph 2
- Checking verb tenses
- Paragraphing 3
- Punctuating dialogue
- Varying sentence beginnings 3
- Joining with a preposition and a pronoun
- Correcting faulty sentences 2
- Avoiding omissions in sentences
- Using words to link sentences
- Using active rather than passive voice
- Words easily confused 2
- Paragraphing 4
- Using better adjectives 2
- Using prepositions 2
- Using better verbs 2
- Shades of meaning 2
- Making your writing concise 2
- Paragraphing 5
- Proofreading a sample essay 2
- Developing an open paragraph 3
- Varying sentence beginnings 4
- Adjective or adverb?
- Using a single word 2
- Correcting faulty sentences 3
- Proofreading a sample essay 3
- Precis writing 1
- Using a single word 3
- Correcting misplaced or dangling phrases ...
- Words easily confused 3
- Paragraphing 6
- Using better adjectives 3
- Correcting misplaced phrases or clauses
- Precis writing 2
- Using better verbs 3
- Paragraphing 7
- Shades of meaning 3
- Making your writing concise 3
- Words frequently misspelt 1
- Understanding register 2
- Paragraphing 8
- Words frequently misspelt 2
Excellence in Written Expression for Secondary Students
- Using other words besides 'big' and 'small'
- Varying sentence beginnings
- Using words to describe feelings
- Choosing the more effective word 1
- Using commas
- A job application
- Developing an opening paragraph
- Using better words than 'go'
- Proofreading a sample essay
- Using a variety of colour words
- Correcting faulty sentences
- Using capital letters
- Choosing the more effective word 2
- Using colour words
- Using words to link sentences
- Choosing the more effective word 3
- Check your apostrophes
- Check your hyphens
- Using a single word
- Using other words besides 'said'
- Words easily confused
- Using the correct tense
- Choosing the more effective word 4
- Identifying euphemisms
- Using better adjectives
- Describing a person
- Paragraphing
- Using other words besides 'nice'
- Using better verbs
- Understanding terminology used in writing ...
- Using terminology
- Making sentences parallel
- Shades of meaning 1
- Using prepositions 1
- Making your writing concise 1
- Paragraphing 2
- Singulars and plurals
- Using the word 'also'
- Understanding register 1
- Avoiding the word 'thing'
- Positioning the word 'only'
- Varying sentence beginnings 2
- Writing concisely
- Developing an opening paragraph 2
- Checking verb tenses
- Paragraphing 3
- Punctuating dialogue
- Varying sentence beginnings 3
- Joining with a preposition and a pronoun
- Correcting faulty sentences 2
- Avoiding omissions in sentences
- Using words to link sentences
- Using active rather than passive voice
- Words easily confused 2
- Paragraphing 4
- Using better adjectives 2
- Using prepositions 2
- Using better verbs 2
- Shades of meaning 2
- Making your writing concise 2
- Paragraphing 5
- Proofreading a sample essay 2
- Developing an open paragraph 3
- Varying sentence beginnings 4
- Adjective or adverb?
- Using a single word 2
- Correcting faulty sentences 3
- Proofreading a sample essay 3
- Precis writing 1
- Using a single word 3
- Correcting misplaced or dangling phrases ...
- Words easily confused 3
- Paragraphing 6
- Using better adjectives 3
- Correcting misplaced phrases or clauses
- Precis writing 2
- Using better verbs 3
- Paragraphing 7
- Shades of meaning 3
- Making your writing concise 3
- Words frequently misspelt 1
- Understanding register 2
- Paragraphing 8
- Words frequently misspelt 2
One Step Ahead: Giving Students the Edge in English Grammar
One Step Ahead has been written to provide a classroom resource that enables senior primary students to experience and learn about all the elements of grammar relevant at that stage of their learning development.
The book does not preach or lecture about grammar, but simply provides user-friendly activities which illustrate the need for us to follow certain purposeful rules of communication.
One Step Ahead: Giving Students the Edge in English Grammar
One Step Ahead has been written to provide a classroom resource that enables senior primary students to experience and learn about all the elements of grammar relevant at that stage of their learning development.
The book does not preach or lecture about grammar, but simply provides user-friendly activities which illustrate the need for us to follow certain purposeful rules of communication.