Neap, Neap Assessment, Neap Exams, Physics, SCIENCE, Science, Science, Teacher’s Resources, VCE Resources, Year, Year 12
Neap Assessment Series: VCE Physics Units 3&4
Neap Assessment Series: VCE Physics Units 3&4 features:
- Unit and Area of Study summaries and key definitions
- practice questions for every topic in the Study Design
- a difficulty rating for each question
- detailed solutions and marking guides
- high-quality practice exams and solutions.
Neap, Neap Assessment, Neap Exams, Physics, SCIENCE, Science, Science, Teacher’s Resources, VCE Resources, Year, Year 12
Neap Assessment Series: VCE Physics Units 3&4
Neap Assessment Series: VCE Physics Units 3&4 features:
- Unit and Area of Study summaries and key definitions
- practice questions for every topic in the Study Design
- a difficulty rating for each question
- detailed solutions and marking guides
- high-quality practice exams and solutions.
Understanding Science Year 7 & 8
Understanding Science for Years 7 & 8 provides comprehensive revision of Years 7 & 8 science by syllabus dot points, using questions and answers. It also includes a Stage 4 science test. This book is an ideal revision guide for students as they prepare for school science tests and statewide tests in science.
The questions and answers have been prepared by highly experienced science teachers. Each answer is clearly written in an easy to understand style.
Sections 1 & 2: Questions & Answers- Part 1: Knowledge and Understanding (Dot Points 4.6-4.12)
- Energy and Forces
- Properties of Substances
- Living Things
- Earth, our Solar System and the Universe
- Ecosystems
- Natural Resources
- Technology
- Part 2: Skills (Dot Points 4.13-4.22)
- Part 3: Prescribed Focus Areas (Dot Points 4.1-4.5)
- History of Science
- Nature and Practice of Science
- Application and Uses of Science
- Implications of Science for Society & the Environment
- Current Issues, Research & Developments in Science
- Part 1: Extended response tasks
- Part 2: Short responses and multiple choice tasks; stimulus material
- Part 3: Answers for Stage 4 Science Test
Understanding Science Year 7 & 8
Understanding Science for Years 7 & 8 provides comprehensive revision of Years 7 & 8 science by syllabus dot points, using questions and answers. It also includes a Stage 4 science test. This book is an ideal revision guide for students as they prepare for school science tests and statewide tests in science.
The questions and answers have been prepared by highly experienced science teachers. Each answer is clearly written in an easy to understand style.
Sections 1 & 2: Questions & Answers- Part 1: Knowledge and Understanding (Dot Points 4.6-4.12)
- Energy and Forces
- Properties of Substances
- Living Things
- Earth, our Solar System and the Universe
- Ecosystems
- Natural Resources
- Technology
- Part 2: Skills (Dot Points 4.13-4.22)
- Part 3: Prescribed Focus Areas (Dot Points 4.1-4.5)
- History of Science
- Nature and Practice of Science
- Application and Uses of Science
- Implications of Science for Society & the Environment
- Current Issues, Research & Developments in Science
- Part 1: Extended response tasks
- Part 2: Short responses and multiple choice tasks; stimulus material
- Part 3: Answers for Stage 4 Science Test
Understanding Science Year 9 & 10
Understanding Science for Years 9 & 10 provides comprehensive revision of Years 9 & 10 science by syllabus dot points, using questions and answers. This book is an ideal revision guide for students as they prepare for school science tests and statewide tests in science.
The questions and answers have been prepared by highly experienced science teachers. Each answer is clearly written in an easy to understand style.
- Part 1: Prescribed Focus Areas (Dot Points 5.1-5.5)
- History of Science
- Nature and Practice of Science
- Application and Uses of Science
- Implications of Science for Society & the Environment
- Current Issues, Research & Developments in Science
- Part 2: Knowledge and Understanding (Dot Points 5.6-5.12)
- Energy, Force and Motion
- Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
- Living Things
- The Universe
- The Dynamic Structure of Earth
- Interaction of Biotic and Abiotic Features of the Environment
- Impact of Human Resource Use on the Biosphere
- Technology
- Part 3: Skills (Dot Points 5.13-5.22)
- Periodic Table
Understanding Science Year 9 & 10
Understanding Science for Years 9 & 10 provides comprehensive revision of Years 9 & 10 science by syllabus dot points, using questions and answers. This book is an ideal revision guide for students as they prepare for school science tests and statewide tests in science.
The questions and answers have been prepared by highly experienced science teachers. Each answer is clearly written in an easy to understand style.
- Part 1: Prescribed Focus Areas (Dot Points 5.1-5.5)
- History of Science
- Nature and Practice of Science
- Application and Uses of Science
- Implications of Science for Society & the Environment
- Current Issues, Research & Developments in Science
- Part 2: Knowledge and Understanding (Dot Points 5.6-5.12)
- Energy, Force and Motion
- Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
- Living Things
- The Universe
- The Dynamic Structure of Earth
- Interaction of Biotic and Abiotic Features of the Environment
- Impact of Human Resource Use on the Biosphere
- Technology
- Part 3: Skills (Dot Points 5.13-5.22)
- Periodic Table